from the moment they set eyes on you. if that's the defense we are in real, real trouble. >> yaeeah, i do agree with a lo of that. i agree there is something fund mentally wrong with the justice system that allows george zimmerman to play the cop he always wanted to be but wasn't, and to act like a vigilante, go after this guy unharmed minding his own business, had no harmful intent that we can see at all and ends up dead. i just don't think that you can be completely unaccountable for that. there has to be some form of justice for trayvon martin, doesn't there? >> absolutely. you have to look at the fact, as well, george zimmerman has lied. george zimmerman has lied. he says trayvon martin reached for his gun. he had to break the grasp off the gun and there is no dna of martin on the gun. if his head was banged against the concrete 25 times why did it