there were no arteries cut. >> right. >> it went through tissue, and her muscles -- i'm sorry, i ran from the hallway. she wasn't supposed to get out of bed. >> the whole thing, i have to say, looking at it this close, i'm so glad we did this, because it gives the viewers and me an extraordinary insight just to how thick that is, that piece of metal. >> oh, yes! >> it's absolutely enormous. >> it's definitely making my leg hurt looking at it. >> yeah. absolutely amazing. suzanne, look. i'm so thrilled for you that you're going to make a great recovery. i'm thrilled you've got the insurance and i'm just happy we could play a small part. and i look forward to talking to you again perhaps when you're back home and rebuilding your life. >> very well. >> thanks, piers. >> quite remarkable. you can go on our website for more information on the suzanne haley support trust. a senior outside briarwood elementary school, trying children, desperate teachers,