umass police officers outside my door asking me questions. >> had they been monitoring your facebook? >> no. i had mentioned it to someone, i had mentioned it to my roommate, i said i think i might know him, i think he lived next to us last year, and he said well, tell the fbi. i said well, you know, i know who he is so i don't think -- besides, they said it was the guy from brown university, so looking at that, i'm assuming that someone had heard our conversation and perhaps mentioned it to the umass police. >> soon after that, they of course shut down the school and we all know what happened next. austin hightower, thank you very much for joining me. >> any time. thank you. >> we'll turn to julian pollard. you were a fellow boxer who roomed actually with tamerlan during a tournament. what was he like? >> well, during that trip, i noticed tamerlan was a little bit of a flashy guy, really