man and that's completely out of bounds. >> that is offensive and stereotypical and i feel that you are marginalizing me. let's turn to michelle obama. she caught some flack as well for saying this. we'll play a clip. >> believe me, as a busy single mother or i shouldn't say single. as a busy mother, sometimes, you know, when you've got a husband who's president, it can feel a little single, but he's there. >> well, now we may be parsing an even smaller matter, piers, because this is literally one word out of place which is significant in part only because michelle obama is so careful in everything she says that it's very rare to hear her make any kind of gaffe whatsoever. but you know, i just don't know that anybody attaches particular import to this other than the fact that there is some obama history here. it's pretty well known that the president and first lady had a very difficult time when their kids were very young. the president was off pursuing