stash of propofol when dr. murray first started treating michael jackson. there's evidence that he was on propofol -- >> okay. let me jump in and speak -- it's been fascinating to watch you both go at it. he's obviously already been tried and is in jail as a result. let's move to what this new trial is basically going to come down to, which involves a responsibility aspect of who was really employing conrad murray. and i'll remind you of an e-mail from the aeg live co-ceo paul gongaware. we want to remind murray that it's aeg, not mj, michael jackson, who is paying his salary. we want to remind him what is expected of hip him. now what did that e-mail mean? what was expected of conrad murray, and is it true that it was aeg paying conrad murray directly, not michael jackson? >> first of all, i would like to point out that conrad murray never received a dime for caring for michael jackson. he took care of him for two months and was not paid a dime. the contract was supposed to be