cause the death of michael jackson, because on the night michael jackson died, he was not on a propofol drip. and that's what nobody understands. and using propofol in a home is not -- is not illegal. it's not -- it's not illegal. it's an off-label use. >> did you read the toxicology? >> absolutely. >> the toxicology -- the toxicology examined eight specimens from his webody. the stomach, the liver, the heart, the veins, the female ral artery. he had propofol. he was loaded with propofol. >> he was loaded from a 25 milligram injection that michael jackson self-administered shortly before he died. it matches up with all the toxicology findings. >> the amount of propofol grossly exceeded the 25 that mr. -- dr. murray said he administered. >> because jackson administered another 25 milligram dose. and when administered rapidly, that's what caused cardiac