afforded power by america, by the allied forces and, of course, when they did that they removed all the infrastructure. a very interesting piece by fareed zakaria, a cnn colleague, about what happened in iraq and what fate mandela are in south african, getting rid of all the other people in power, rather he kept most of them in place. he brought them inclusively in to his new south africa. as a result there was no insurgency. and the americans and germans did the complete opposite. they removed all the infrastructure. baathist was removed. that's what created the insurgency for the sunnis. okay, if that's the way you'll treat us we'll be insurgents. >> we had some crazy people installed, and they installed not very bright people to be in charge of iraq if you remember that at the beginning, people who had no training, no milt training, didn't know anything about anything, and -- and these were the people calling the shots. ten years ago tonight, ten years ago tonight in this hour.

Related Keywords

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