what do you say are the key parts of what makes a plate of food like this is mississippi? >> mississippi food identity to me is eclectic. the soul is there. we have french techniques. honestly, i taste trinidad flavors, but it's so many eclectic bites and bits about this whole plate of food right here that i completely love. i know i'm in mississippi. >> mr. d is well-known for his fried chicken. but man, these pigs feet are the real deal. i rarely have had them this good outside of my grandmother's kitchen. at what point do you have to say you know what? i really want to focus on the food i was raised on and cooking that? >> you know, when i started getting outside of mississippi and started cooking my food and letting mississippi ingredients travel with me, i had no idea that mississippi was, you know -- >> that they gave a shit. >> it was just so awesome. mississippi is still not noticed as a food state. >> why ask that? why do you think that is? >> i think maybe for some of the