european countries that have these planes will be backfilled so that they can have those planes be sent to ukraine for use. jim. >> natasha bertrand in brussels, thanks so much. joining us now to discuss retired u.s. army major mike lions. good to have you on, sir. i want to ask you about western military support, u.s. and nato military support for ukraine because things that were off the table just a couple of weeks ago, right, i mean, you had nato partner like germany did not want to send surface to air missiles. that's changed. they're sending a whole heck of a lot. these jets were off the table, and now it seems like just a couple of days ago, now it sales like something's moving forward there. given that progress, do you think that other measures that are considered off the table now, namely a no fly zone that as this amps up, those could find their way under consideration again? >> jim, i don't think so. i think the no fly zone is a hard line that crosses the line between a declaration of war.