with success as they define it. child care, the care agenda, getting schools safely reopened and keeping them open, these are issues that are absolutely crucial. and we have changed the paradigm from these, these are private decisions to these are public goods. we are committed to making sure that we rebuild an economy where every single person in this country can see themselves in it. >> it's hard to imagine two years into this pandemic and we're still talking about keeping schools open and the instability that that's causing for millions of households, particularly, for women, trying to keep their kids in school. congresswoman katherine clark, thank you as always. you're appreciated. >> thank you. still ahead, an ousted superintendent, a debate over school masks. the battle unfolding in a denver area school district is a prime example of the power struggle happening across the country. we'll go there live for you up next. get decision tech. for insisights on when to buy and sell.