and transparentsly for the american people. a letter which i thought was fabulous. my sense is we're going to have data in the next month. we're going to see data in the next month. probably by the end of september. my hope is that the fda acts expeditiously after that assuming the data is good and strong, and maybe by later october we might see an authorization. we don't know and i don't want to second guess the time line of the science, but that's what i'm hoping for. >> we have seen in recent weeks something of an uptick in the daily rate of vaccinations. i think for three days in a row above a million, haven't been that way since july. what you hear from doctors is that some people who were hesitant prior are now being scared into it, right? because they're seeing people around them go into the hospital, particularly low vaccination states. is that uptick significant enough to take a bite out of what we're seeing from the delta variant? >> yeah, i think it's going to help. and i think what else is going to help is the mandates that are starting to come. just yesterday after the pfizer full approval, you saw a whole