response? >> yeah, it's a fair question. adam schiff made and i know you have made comparisons to watergate. adam schiff as well. he said the difference here, in his view, not the accusations against the president or even the party, but it's the congress. do you feel the same way that in the current partisan environment that even nixon's crimes would not have resulted, not impeachment but his resignation facing impeachment? >> yeah. i think that what we are dealing with here is people getting the news from completely different news islands and the result is we don't have a shared set of facts. the difference between now and the nixon case is that everyone of the senators in the u.s. senate faced abc, cbs and nbc each night 30 minutes, same news show basically. and everybody was getting their news from the same place. now you can go to a news island and find out exactly what you want to hear and that's the difference and so the result is, we don't have a shared set of