spoke with "baltimore sun" reporter justin george who got really rare access into this police investigation. listen to what he said. >> even though the task force was pretty confident that the injuries to freddie gray took place in the van, they wanted to exhaust every sort of possibility that it may have happened at another time. may have happened during the arrest or at some other point during the wagon route. and in that case they actually were demonstrating the leg lace maneuver that freddie gray was put in right when he was arrested. and what they did was tried to simulate that and then also apply pressure different points of pressure and had this orthopedic doctor look and see if that could cause some of the injuries that freddie gray sustained, and the doctor's prognosis, essentially what he said it was impossible for him to sustain the injuries from that leg lace even if they were standing on him or slamming him or sticking their knees near his