and missiles into the air. so it was kind a double take whatever it is that was happening. but then he came back in again and he said listen, we're going to do something here. and we did. and in fairness to him he got onto a couple media contacts and it just took off. and then i brought in with brendan burn, you see he's involved in the processing site, so all the factories and everything. so we're interlinked in the industry. and look, we're a shrinking industry. we're suffering as it is. we lost 25% of what fish we had before this. with the brexit deal. so when the uk left, they gave them 25% of our fish as a going away present. but we didn't agree with this. and not only that, they gave fish that they were catching in our waters as a present. we're on our knees at the moment as an industry. and i think this was the straw that broke the camel's back. the directors and fishermen at our organization said this is it, we're not moving, we're not taking this. we're not taking it from anybody