violence. violence will surrender to us, and we're not going to live in the shadows of killers. >> so the focus now is on the investigation to figure out why this happened and how the city can manage to make sure incidents like this and gun violence can be stopped and curtailed. pam? >> mark morales, thanks so much. cnn's k file has now uncovered videos that show an orger of the stop the steal rally ahead of the january 6th insurrection saying he would work with extremist groups, two groups that would later have members charged in connection with the attack. hawaii democratic senator mazie hirono joins me next and i'll get her reaction. inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm using hand gestures and pointing... no one can tell i'm unsure about my business finances. inner voice (furniture maker): i'm constantly nodding... ...because i know everything about furniture... ...but with the business side... ...i'm feeling a little lost. quickbooks can help. an easy way to get paid,