really became a family. and so, yes, anytime you're going into space, it is incredibly risky. but spacex felt very confident that they had a safe vehicle. this is now the fourth crewed mission that spacex has launched into space. and of course, this comes after this nearly decades-long desert of u.s. astronauts being launched from u.s. soil after the retirement of the space shuttle fleet. so truly, we're witnessing this new era of space travel and really, you know, i've been down to a lot of launches. this is the very first launch that i've been to, first crewed launch where nasa really had no role in it whatsoever, because as you said, no nasa astronauts onboard, pam. >> so what does this mean for them? they can't really call themselves astronauts, though, even though they went through this mission, right? or can they? >> well, they are going to call themselves astronauts. spacex will call them