still hanging from the ceiling taking video of the wrangled seats that are -- have been moved around and missing headrests from the aircraft to show us what it is like inside. delays throughout the united states. they're still rippling across several airlines because of everything that has happened here. so we have what's happening in the airports, but then we have what's happening about a 15-minute drive away from us, jim, in cedar hills, oregon. an unincorporated community. we have a map of the search area that has been active since around 3 p.m. yesterday when the ntsb touched down. and we checked in with local law enforcement from washington county to see if they've received any reports from people saying, you know what, i've got a weird metal thing in my backyard or i noticed something that was in the middle of commonwealth lake in cedar hills. no reports as of yet, jim, that have been received from the washington county sheriff's office or field data by alaska airlines. we also heard a news conference