joining me now to talk about this and the president's address is republican congressman darrell issa of california. this was more than just one president's war, as you understand. what is your response to what president biden just said a few minutes ago and doesn't former president trump shoulder some of the blame in all of this? he cut this deal with the taliban. of course, biden embraced it and you and other republicans up on capitol hill were applauding this pull out of afghanistan months ago. the plans for it months ago. what do you say now? >> well, first of all, i would have left bagram air base open. i never applauded the idea of closing a strategic base any more than i would say that we should abandon the two air bases we have in south korea. the fact is china is a greater threat today than it ever has been. and just as we keep those two bases and 28,000 soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines in