Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240708

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Reports of a shooting in the area, but the police have not released in i other information, and again, police in milwaukee in an incident, and we will keep you up to date with something happening there. And now, mike pence with something he never did in aus, saying that donald trump repeatedly telling a lie that the Vice President could overturn the election. I heard this week that President Trump said that i had the right to overturn the election. President trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American People. And the American People alone. And frankly, no more unamerican idea than to suggest that one person could overturn an election. When you are considering the messenger, those are fighting words, and pence in front of a conservative audience implying that trump is unamerican, and release a coherent statement saying that i was right and everyone knows it. And if there were any irregularities, it would have been appropriate to send those votes back to the ledge slae chu legislatures to send it back. And this is a coming up here this video, the language nit is very disturbing. I am hearing that pence just caved. No. Is that true . I am hearing reports that pence caved. I am telling you that if pence caved we are dragging the mother fuckers through the street, because we are not having our fuc fucking through the street. And most people with a pulse would call that frightening, but the Republican Committee calls it discourse. And it is the same committee that is censuring Adam Kinzinger and liz cheney, and they said they didnt mean the people who were violent. And now joining me is the white flag podcast, and also molly walsh from the daily beast. And now, mike pence is finally speaking the truth 13 months after the fact. I guess better late than never, but how important was that to hear those words from mike pence . Im not sure, but pence is right and trump is wrong. But here is the bigger deal. Mike pence has absolutely no shot at the republican nomination in 2024, and if donald trump wants the nomination in 24, it is his, because the sad truth, jim, is this thing is over. There is no, there is no fight for the soul of the Republican Party. It is trumps party, and the party of trumpism, and you mentioned the Censuring Of Kinzinger and cheney, and who spoke up to defend kinzinger and cheney, and where was mike pence and ted cruz and ron desantis, and any republican who wants to run for president . This party cannot be saved. Yeah, molly, you know, mike pence, and he just told the truth. That is what he did yesterday instead of kowtowing to trump, and he stated a fact that the Vice President cannot do this. But trump has gone after pence at every turn for failing to overturn the election. Lets listen to this. Mike pence, i will tell you right now, im not hearing good stories. I only wish that my friend mike pence had that additional courage to send, to send the results back to the legislature. It was very sad when mike pence gave those votes over. I think that mike has been sadly hurt with what took place with respect to january 6th. I think that he has been mortally wounded frankly, because i see the reaction that he is getting from people, and why didnt he just hand it back to the legislature. Holly, pence clearly wants to be president one day, but it took him 13 months to state the obvi obvious. Yeah, pence is like a lot of republicans who know better, a lot, and refuse to disavow trump because of the twitter, but there is no twitter and now afraid of primary challenges. But at every point the republicans have had every opportunity to disavow trumpism, and go for democracy and say that it must be protected and this person is antidemocratic, and at every point they have either said nothing or, you know, tacitly kind of encouraged him. So we are getting to the point now where so much of the Republican Party is doubled down on this antidemocratic, antiyou know, voter, pro voter suppression, and anticount the vote kind of thing that we are in an impossible situation. You cant have one party who believes in the central tenet of american democracy, and so it is good that mike pence said this, and certainly he is seeing what way the wind is blowing, and so maybe there is something to that, but it is way, way, way too late, and at this point, i mean, i dont even think it is clear to me that you need, you know, the big guns, and you need everyone out there saying that or else it is too little too late. Yeah, and the wind is not seeming to blow in the direction of democracy inside of the Republican Party, joe. And lets play how the former chief strategist steve bannon reacted to the pence speech. You will carry this thing eventually to your grave, because it is a mark of shame, and you a stone cold coward, boris epstein, and we will talk about this thing that broke this afternoon and boris, you have to help me out here, because i cant take pence and i cant take pence and mark short and all of these guys out there ratting out trump up on capitol hill right now. Yeah, joe, bannon is saying that he is going to carry it to the grave, and those are code words, and that is essentially a threat, it is not . It is a direct threat, jim, but heres what everybody listening to you and i need to understand right now. Steve bannon speaks right there for the Republican Party base. The hard core Republican Party voters are with bannon and not pence. You do a great job of trying to wake up the country, but this election year, jim, man, we have to wake everybody up to this realization that this party is more bannon than pence, and they are on track right now to take control again in 2022 if the rest of america doesnt wake up and geoff their ass and get out and vote. Yeah, i mean, steve vbannon s the Vice President of the Republican Party, and so this is all on the same day, molly, that the Republican Party voted to censure Adam Kinzinger and liz cheney, and this is all in the democraticled legitimate discourse of which chene responded of the rioters that this is january 6th, and this is not legitimate political discourse, and the rnc is saying that not people involved in violence, but they didnt get it right the first time, and it is sounding like cleanup on aisle 6, and it is pathetic. Yeah. I mean, they really made the wrong choice, but continuously for the last 13 months, they have made the wrong choice, and protected donald trump, and refused to disavow Political Violence which is an easy one, and it is hard to watch, and you can see ultimately that the base has moved further to the right, and further against democracy, too. It is just really a sort of unbelievable thing to watch. And 13 months ago if these people had said Political Violence is wrong, and dem ocray is right, and this is what we need to focus on, wed be in a different position today. And joe, Kevin Mccarthy refused to answer questions about the january 6 committee, and so what is going on up there, because you served with Kevin Mccarthy, and with trump, there is no bottom . Jim, i did serve with mccarthy, and he is a hollow man. He has no core. All he gives a damn about right now is that he wants to be speaker of the house. He doesnt care about the country, and he does not care about the state of the country, but he wants to be speaker. Again, the republican silence, and kinzinger, and cheney are censured for pursuing the truth about an insurrection, and all of the republican officials dont say a damn thing, and that is where the party is right now. Molly, a final thought from you, because my thought yesterday was that the rnc should be censuring Margie Taylor green and sorry, censuring people like Margie Taylor green and Madison Cawthorn and not Adam Kinzinger and liz cheney. It does not make sense. They care about the smalldonor donation, and people like Marjorie Taylor greene are celebrated and Adam Kinzinger and liz cheney are censured. But it makes sense, because that is where the voters are. And people like Marjorie Taylor greene are commanding fundraisers, and the other members of the party are taking part of that. Thank you, joe and molly. Thank you for talking with us. And now, joe rogan who has been accused of using nword more than 200 time20 times, and responds. [upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music throughout] doorbell ringing bustling Office Sounds [announcer] eggzilaration, when the cheesiest Guilty Pleasure breakfast sandwich starts your day on just the right note. On time, lowest price, or well make it right. chickachicka grubhub. Introducing the allnew gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. It combines shaving and Gentle Exfoliation into one efficient stroke, for a shave as quick and easy as washing your face. Alright. Yall know when they say your home is a reflection of you . Well helene found herself in a lamp. No joke. I got a fancy grown up lamp to make me feel like a fancy grown up. Mhm. Adulting aint easy. Ooh check this one out. Waffles loves her dog bed. We can hardly get her out of it. Shes kind of a diva. Yes, waffles living your best life. [woof] im telling yall theres no place like wayfair to make your home totally you. Ooh i want that. Making your way in The World Today takes everything youve got taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot wouldnt you like to get away . Sometimes you want to go where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came you want to be where you can see our troubles are all the same you want to be where Everybody Knows your name you want to go where people know people are all the same you want to go where Everybody Knows your name joe rogan is now apologizing after videos resurfaced of him using the nword in patriot takes, his podcast, which Show Extremism on the far right. It is edited compilation of Podcast Episodes and we have to warn you that it is disturbing to hear. And like, you know, the [ bleep ]. And you are saying the word [ bleep ] and like the tng of and he is calling you a [ bleep ]. And he is starting to call them a [ bleep ]. And there should be a word like [ bleep ]. And especially the word [ bleep ]. And that is what he says [ bleep ] and [ bleep ] and starts to say [ bleep ] and using word [ bleep ] and the word [ bleep ] and couldnt say [ bleep ] and [ bleep ] just unbelievable. So, we bring in brian stelter, and what is spotify saying . Well, we will see what they have to say, and this is after the rapt of antivaccine, and india ari is saying that the language that he has said around race is more problematic than the ret rake around vaccines and it is in frank and unvarnished conver conversations, and that is why the fans like the show, but this is maybe too much even for the defenders to bear, but here is in rogans own words part of the apology today. I am making this video to talk about the most regretful and shameful that i have ever had to talk about publicly. There is a video that is out, and it is a compilation of me saying the nword and it is a video of clips taken out of context of me of 12 years of conversations of the podcasts and smushed together, and it is horrible even to me. I know that to most people, there is no context where a white person is ever allowed to say that word, nevermind publicly on a podcast. I agree with that now. I havent said it in years. But for a long time when i would bring that word up, like if it would come up in conversation, and instead of saying the nword, i would just say the word. I never used it to be racist, because i am not racist, but whenever you are in a situation, where you have to say im not racist, you [ bleep ]d up, and i have clearly [ bleep ]d up. Yes, he clearly has, jim. Yes, and he clearly has. You and i both know that compilation right there which he has admitted to is authentic and that is enough to put anybody out of a job. I mean, to me, it is, it seems untenable to have that kind of video surface, and that kind of Compilation Surface and keep ones job, but brian, there is another one that patriot takes puts out they want to play, and it is a story that joe rogan is telling that he went to see what he described the Planet Of The Apes, and it is awful, but show it, and then talk about it. And it says, okay, take me to this one, and the guy goes, okay, am i am in a good one, and the guy barely speaks english and we get out and giggling, and with regoing to see Planet Of The Apes and we walked into Planet Of The Apes and walked into africa and into the door, and there was no white people. And in rogan, he addressed this in the video as well, and what did he have to say about that . Yes, this is right. These are multiple examples of Offensive Content on the podcast that he is trying to apologize for at the same time. This is what he said about this part. I did not, nor would i ever say that black people are apes, but it sure [ bleep ]ing sounded like that, and i immediately afterwards said, that is a racist thing to say, Planet Of The Apes was not in africa and i was just saying that there was a lot of black people there. And a lot of this is about money. And trying to diffuse this. Go ahead. And trying to diffuse this, jim, and whether it is going to work, we will guess, but we have been reaching out to spotify to ask for comment, and spotify is a platform to put up any content, and they are paying him hundreds of millions of dollars and reportedly for his exclusive content and including the old episodes of using nword, and listeners have said that dozens of episodes have been taken down, and those are the episodes that we have heard clips from today, and so spotify is maybe on the Cleanup Mission to erase some of the past, and will they continue to stand by him . And we dont know, because we have not heard from spotify. And joe rogan can continue to host the podcast, and they can listen to it, but it does not have to be on spotify, and some of the companies who put these types of programs on the platform, they dont have to pit them there, right, brian . Are they contractually obligated to do that . Companies like spotify, facebook, and twitter prevent themselves as neutral platforms, but actually spotify in this case is a Media Company getting in business to distribute rogan, and they dont have to be in that business, but they have chosen it to grow the business, but maybe it is a choice they might stick with it, and the head of the company said, if we are going to be in the content business, we will have content that people wont like. So maybe they will stay with that position, but that is what it is to be a Media Company and not a Silicon Valley company that spotify claimed it is. And now, In The Beginning of the segment that we aired of joe rogan saying the nword repeatedly over and over again over the course of many, many episodes that would be enough for somebody to lose their job. Why might it be different . It might be different, because before they bought into the business and before the deal to distribute, and he was more out on his own as a broadcaster, and claim, oh, this is all in the past, but you are right, jim, there are many examples in hollywood and entertainment where people have lost their roles for less than this. Maybe that is why spotify is being so quiet, and also, there are reasons that rogan has millions of fan, because people want to hear his candid conversation, and there is a difference of candid in depth conversations and the kind of vile that is in this compilation. Right. It is not just like it happened one time. It has happened repeatedly over the years, and you know, it seems to me that he is going to have to do more than put out a apo apologylaced video to put it to rest. Brian stelter, appreciate your time here. Thanks. And be sure to tune into brians show reliable sources tomorrow at 11 00 a. M. And now, what one congressman has been notoriously reluctant to pin down, and when did jim jordan speak with President Trump on january 6th. Versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. Boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. Boost® high protein. vo this year, tmobile for business is here to help you hit the ground running. When you switch to tmobile and bring your own device, well pay off your phone up to 800. You can keep your phone. Keep your number. And get your employees connected on the largest and fastest 5g network. Plus, we give you 200 in facebook ads on us so you can reach more customers, create more opportunities, and make this the best year for your business yet. 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And this seems to be a pattern for jim jordan, and this is what he had to say last year. When i spoke to him on january 6th, and i talk with President Trump all of the time. Did you speak to him before, during or after the capitol was attacked . I would have to go, and i spoke with him that day after, i think after, and i dont know if i spoke with him in the morning or not, and i dont know, i would have to go back, and i mean, i dont know that, when those conversations happened. And joining me now is cnn legal analyst ellie honig and he has refused to appear before the committee, and so as the folks who are may appear to be a witness who is not cooperating with the investigation, and how does he strike you when he hear him stumble over the answers. Fairly low on the credibility scale, and it is ridiculous that he shobviously afraid or something, and now we think that we know why. A tenminute phone call that we are reporting is a big deal. That is a long time to be on the phone with somebody, and to me, it is completely implausible that a congressman would have no memory of a conversation with a sitting president for ten minutes that he had a long conversation with a president on a historic day, and the jim jordan responses if anything would peak my interests as a prosecutor and investigator. And as a journalist, i would have to say the same. And elie, this week, trump has been dangling pardons if he were to return to white house. Some of them are treated horribly, and yes, i would absolutely give them a pardon if things dont work out fairly. And this is one that i have been wanting to ask you for days now, and this is feeling like witness tampering. Yes, jim, one of the things about a prosecutor or presenting it to the jury, it feels like common sense and you dont have to take the persons words at face value, but it could be a witness tampering, and it is t okay to say, that someone is being treated unfairly, but to say that you would do something, that is crossing the line. And this is donald trump, and this is a history of what he does, and this is what he did to stifle the witnesses in the mueller investigation, and he dangled pardons to Michael Flynn and roger stone, and those who started to cooperate and then stopped because of the pardons dangled, and if they thought they would be pardoned at some future point, they will be less likely to cooperate because their incentive is removed. We had a lawyer for one of the january 6 defendants who came on the air earlier in the week, and said, yes, this comment would make my client less likely to cooperate. So that is the intent behind Donald Trumps statements where it does not take an experienced lawyer to see that. But i mean, one of the things that is ridiculous about all of this is that trump had two weeks after january 6th while he was in office, and he could have witnessed a Blanket Pardon, i suppose that you could do this, and who knows if it would have held up legally, but a Blanket Pardon of anybody who is involved in january 6th, that he could have pardoned anybody, and he didnt do it. And when he could have let these tur kis get off scotfree, he could have done it. He could have legally done it, jim, and issued a Blanket Pardon, and it could have been done, and prospective pardon, and if i could have been advising one of the january 6th defendants i would have said, dont hold your breath, because the earliest he could become president again is january 2025 and that is if these cases will be going on, and i would not bank the hope on it, and if the intent is to keep the people silent and if it works or not, and looks like imay have some impact, that is still witness tampering. And former doj Jeffrey Clark is in a key part of the plot to overturn the election pleaded the fifth more than 100 times when he met with the january 6th committee, and now talk that he could get perhaps an immunity deal, and what are you thinking about that, and i mean, the fact that this is a former Department Of Justice official taking the fifth 100 times. Yeah, so lets start with this. Jeffrey clark has the right to take the fifth, and anybody who thinks that their testimony might incriminate them has that right, but what an utter shame and disgrace for someone who is a highranking Justice Department official to do that. And the counter move is that the committee could say, okay, we will immunize you, and you took the fifth, and we will not use your testimony against you, and as a practical matter, then we would hear the testimony from Jeffrey Clark, but also under the law, it is essentially impossible for the doj to prosecute him, and that is what happened with oliver north in the Iran Contra Scandal with oliver north. So the doj, if they intend to prosecute him, they have to call over to the committee, do not immunize him, because we plan on charging him, but if they have no interest whatsoever to charge him, they may allow the immunity, so we may get a window into the dojs thinking here. And finally, mike pences comments to the Federalist Society saying that President Trump was wrong, and the Vice President cannot overturn the election, and so on, it makes me wonder how you feel about pence a potential witness, and wouldnt he be the mother of all january 6th witnesses when it is coming to the bottom of the insurrection, and when i say the mother of all witnesses, no pun intended. Right. I would say that he would be the mother of all witnesses after trump himself, but in the potential of witnesses, yes. And it is important for mike pence to yesterday say correctly that he had no aweuthority to overturn the election, and what is more important is what did donald trump do or say to mike pence in those key moments. And the issue su nis not so much by mean, it is what happened on january 6th, but in the days leading up to the Pressure Campaign to overturn the result, and to obstruct congress, there is no other witness closer to all of this than the recipient of the pressure, which would be the Vice President it seems to me. B but, eli ee honig, we will have plenty otime to talk about this. And a boy who is trapped in a well, and why it is so challenging to reach him. We will talk about that next. You are live in the cnn newsroom. Lipton. Stop chuggin. Start sippin. Are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort . Taking align can help. Align contains a Quality Probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24 7. Try align, the pros in digestive health. And join the align Healthy Gut Team up and learn what millions of align users already know. How great a healthy gut can feel. Sign up at alignprobiotics. 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This is a rough area near the riff mountains, and they have done a whole sort of work the rescuers since tuesday since the boy fell in the hole, and he was playing, the mothers told authorities and got out of sight briefly, and then heard him cry and realized he was in the well. The well is 100 feet down, and narrow, and just a few feet wide. So the authorities dug a parallel well down, and now that they are the depth of the boy, they are going across to try to reach him, and they are close, but a number of obstacles. They have had landslides and boulders in the way, and according to the authorities, boy was alive on friday, yesterday. According to the boys father, food and water was given to the boy down in the well on thursday, and the father at the time told local tv that he was hopeful that the boy would be res rescued, god willing, he added, jim. We are all hoping that occurs, and how delicate of an operation is this . I suppose they have sort of had to take their time with it, because you dont want the whole thing collapsing. Absolutely. They have said repeatedly the authorities have told the reporters on the scene that it is reported by the moroccan news agency, they dont want to get into the soil erosion, and these things are delicate wherever they are done, and working this the rough terrain in moroccan and they are so close, they want to bring it to the good conclusion, and they are taking their time and being meticulous. And al goodman, thank you so much, and let us know if they get to him, and we will get right out to you. Appreciate the report. And now, to canada where it is the second straight week of protests in ottawa. They are furious about the covid19 mandated vaccinations. You can see the protesters in the middle of the traffic there with the large truck, and big trucks also blocking the traffic, and really an incredible scene there as the antivaccine protests have been going on for some time now, and the police are increasing the personnel over reports that some demonstrators have made violent threats. Cnns paula newton has more. Reporter the sound is deafening, and yet the protesters are demanding to be heard. All day long and at all hours of the night, those with the socalled freedom convoy, they say they are staying put until the Vaccine Mandates are dropped,he masks come off and life returns to the way it has. And this whole event has gone past vaccines, and it is about the whole idea. That what we want. Reporter so they are free to park the big rigs next to the Prime Ministers Office and free to set up in front of the countrys national parliament. As angry and frustrated as the protesters are, the residents say they feel like hostages, and that i want the police to do more. And we need them to int intervene, so there is no violence. We feel left alone. Reporter so desperate is this woman, she is appealing directly to the protesters. The eldererly, and the children are suffering. Reporter they heard her, but nobody is listening, it seems to anyone. It is like, disruptive and they are claiming their freedom while i cant even like hear anything, i cant hear myself. Reporter Ottawa Police say they have learned much this week after reports of assaults, intimidation and allegations of hate speech and symbols. The goal is to end the demonstration. Reporter and to try to do that they have called in more reinforcements to what they call the surge and contain strategy, but the Police Chief Warns this remains as it was from the beginning an increasingly volatile and increasingly dangerous demonstration. Reporter and it is spreading like a Contagion Itself across the country, and a few protests of a Border Blockade from montana and ontario, and now, they are closing down Hospital Road while the exhausted Hospital Workers are carrying on treating covid patients. Anyone who tries to disrupt firemen, ambulance or police will be subject to strict enforcement. Reporter and yet, they are warning that this is now resembling an occupation. With no quick or easy end. Paula newton, cnn, ottawa. Coming up, amazon founder jeff bezos in a super yacht that is so big he wants dutch to assemble a bridge just so he can pass through. Money right. My name is douglas. Im a writer director and im still working. In the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. I had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. I discovered prevagen. I started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. It was a gamechanger for me. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Alright. Yall know when they say your home is a reflection of you . Well helene found herself in a lamp. No joke. I got a fancy grown up lamp to make me feel like a fancy grown up. Mhm. Adulting aint easy. Ooh check this one out. Waffles loves her dog bed. We can hardly get her out of it. Shes kind of a diva. Ye waffles living your best life. [woof] im telling yall theres no place like wayfair to make your home totally you. Ooh i want that. Okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Woo hoo ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. And ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. Your Shipping Manager left to find themself. leaving you lost. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. Visit indeed. Com hire ive been telling everyone. The secret to great teeth is having healthy gums. Crest advanced gum restore. Detoxifies below the gumline. And restores by helping heal gums in as little as 7 days. Crest. The 1 toothpaste brand in america. One in three u. S. Bridges needs repair or replacement. Thats according to a new report that found almost 44,000 bridges are classified as structurally deficient. At the current rate, it would take 30 years to fix all of them. In the meantime, a dutch city may have to dismantle part of a bridge so a super yacht owned by jeff bezos of amazon can get through it. Cnns reports. Reporter under construction in rotter dam, but in order to get it to the ocean, the dutch citys historic steel bridge will have to be temporarily dismantled, a feat that is proving not quite as simple as an amazon delivery with some accusing bezos of going a bridge too far. The more moneys you have, the more power you get, even though it goes against principles of the city. The city said were not going to do it. Translator what can i say, i guess big money wins again as always, but it will also create some employment, of course, and i think thats important for this region as well reporter when the bridge known to locals was last renovated in 2017, local officials promised the 19th century landmark would never again be dismantled. Authorities have acknowledged that the super yacht is a significant projects for rotterdam, benefitting the local economy and creating jobs. Bezos and Ship Building Company ocean co would also need to foot the bill, but some including rotterdams green party have questioned why the city should be forced to dismantle, an Iconic Landmark for bezos personal gain. One green party counselor said this man has earned his money by structurally exploiting staff, evading taxes and avoiding regulat regulations. And now we have to take down our Beautiful National monument. That is really going a bridge too far. Thousands have even signed up to an event shared on facebook, calling for locals to throw eggs at the super yacht, once it finally sets sail. The threat has sparked debate further afield, u. S. House Representative Tweeting if jeff bezos can dismantle a bridge in the netherlands then his company should have no trouble paying his fair share in taxes so we can build bridges in america. For now, the request is still under consideration, which could mean a Shipping Delay for bezos. Cnn, london. music who said you have to starve yourself to lose weight . Who said you cant do dinner . Who said only this is good . And this is bad . Im doing it my way. Meet plenity. An fda cleared clinically proven Weight Management aid for adults with a bmi of 2540 when combined with diet and exercise. Plenity is not a drug its made from naturally derived Building Blocks and helps you feel fuller and eat less. 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