>> unfortunately, this is not the first report that says this. i mean, you look at it's already making that sort of impact on americans and people around the world. you look at the insurance prices and the cost to rebuild homes in places like florida, the effects of climate change are affecting us already in an very economically harmful way. but i think one of the things that i think about when a report like this is brought to my attention is that the reality that it will cause somebody more money in a year or ten years, or 100 years doesn't really matter to them if they're living paycheck to paycheck. now. and that's why my book and through the work, as i've traveled across hundreds of community he's i've seen that the only solutions environmentally that will actually work for people and get the political buy-in that we need from both sides are the solutions that actually lower the cost of doing life as a human being. because that's the only thing that people can implement. they're not going to pay more than not going to do more because they're worried about losing money later because of climate change. they're worried what about th here and now and our politicians and our businesses have an obligation to pursue solutions that help people now,