be careful. polo sandoval is in boston all covered up because it is cold there, too, and windy and big snowflakes. what's up? >> reporter: fred, i told you in the last hour i promise you, that's me under here. we're staying warm and safe. it seems most people here in boston are as well because over my shoulder you see one vehicle out and about, but there are very few people who either have to or want to go out in this. most folks are heeding those warnings we heard not just from the massachusetts governor but also from the mayor here in boston that was basically begging people stay indoors so the snow removal equipment can do its job. those crews have been out since overnight. about 900 pieces of equipment on the streets of boston, fred, making sure those roads are as clear as possible. it's an uphill battle as the snow continues to fall. just to give you perspective, local meteorologists suspected the main event and the highest snowfall rates to be seen between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.