wait? >> as long as it takes. even if he doesn't come around to committing to a fair trial, keep those articles here. keep it as long as it takes. if you know and he's told you what he's going to do, let's give him a fair trial and hang him. it's the reverse of that. >> so congressman, you're talking about mcconnell saying, and i'm just going to reiterate what you said. he's told you what he's going to do. it's almost like give him a fair trial and hang him, it's the reverse of that. >> yeah. >> you've heard since that the trump campaign and others have used the words "hang him" as the dems want to hang trump. this is your first opportunity after that interview to offer clarity for those who want to interpret what you said in one way, clarity on your word choice, your intention. >> well, i don't know, you have