important dynamics we'll see play out tuesday night. we'll all be watching for trump but if you look at at who are the front runners for the republican nomination, marco rubio is right up there. he and ted cruz have totally different versions on how to deal with the mideast. they don't get along. they're colleagues in the senate. sure, the fighting with trump but see if there's disagreement between rubio and cruz. >> there was a real rubio moment after the last debate. has it faded just a little since then? >> it's interesting, talking to his campaign, just months ago, they said, you know, we're going to play the slow game on this one. we don't need to get involved with donald trump. they neve did until recently. we're just going to sit back, raise money, try to build ground games in the states then catapult up. if you watch what happened, that seemed to have worked. of course there is the trump phenomenon and the ted cruz element going on in iowa. chris christie a little bit of a bump in new hampshire but i still think marco rubio is well positioned. >> we'll come back to that in a second. i want to talk about the other people on this stage, which could be the other big dynamic,