contradictions and misstatements both from politicians and occasionally from cable news anchors? >> occasionally? how about often? whether it was spot on or not. >> fair point. he's been a very effective media critic. i would say that. sometimes he takes cheap shots, there's no doubt about it. whenever my face would pop up i would have that flash of terror i got very nervous about what he was going to say, but i found myself agreeing with him more often than i found myself disagreeing when it came to the media critiques. >> i'm the opposite. brian stelter reporting live. thanks so much. >> reporter: he always have to give him the raw material, didn't we? >> we did. the next hour of cnn "newsroom" starts now. happening now in the "newsroom," new plane debris. what malaysian searchers say they just discovered. are we closer to solving the mystery of mh-370. plus -- >> if all of us were running we