vice rer so. and we'll see how it impacts the lives of those who travel to the island. there's been an important shift in recent years. the number of cubans traveling to the united states has surged. many of them and a lot of them are staying in the country. remember we have the wet foot/dry foot policy where cubans who touch u.s. soil and stay for a year become legal residents and have a very important support package. so all these things are part of this process. we'll see how deep the changes are. from what we're hearing this will be significant, this will be historic, this will not only transcend the relationship between cuba and the united states but will also probably change the way latin america deals and some countries deal with the united states. i guess you'll have a very dynamic reaction from cuban americans. there are different points of view. there is a line that believes that no concessions should be made to cuba and we'll be