think the gop is really -- the republican establishment doesn't appear to want donald trump as a nominee. the gop voters seem to, but the republican establishment doesn't seem to want him. >> sure. but the republican establishment, they're a small contingency with a very loud voice. they're going to have to accept the will of the american people. donald trump has a 21-point lead now. when you average every poll together, it's 17 points. they have to accept donald trump or they're criticizing their voting base. when jeb bush came out and said trump is not a serious candidate, that is directly insulting republican voters. that is directly insulting the people who you purport to represent. the establishment needs to back off because donald trump will be the nominee most likely. if not him, ted cruz. if they don't coalesce around him, they'll be expelled from the party. >> speaking of jeb bush, bob,