is stoking so much of this. ambassador daniel benjamin, thank you for your perspective, i appreciate it. >> thanks very much. >> you can see the fifth republican presidential debate right here on cnn moderated by wolf blitzer. the first debate starts at 6:00 eastern tonight only here on cnn. as we're watching and waiting for more of these candidates to live here at the venetian hotel before they take a tour around the stage, did you know that tonight is not the only debate this week? we will talk about the democrats who will debate this coming saturday ahead. also much more on our breaking news, as we mentioned a moment ago, threats against two of the nation's biggest school systems in both los angeles and new york city. we are now hearing those threats originated from the same source. we'll have a live report for you from los angeles coming up in just a moment. you're watching cnn. i'm brooke bald wip. baldwin.

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