candidate. he's a full spectrum conservative, so a lot of different factions of the party are rallying around him. also he's run a very smart campaign. he has built an incredible infrastructure that's allowed him to manage momentum. i see this as a slow build. i this see these numbers going away at all. i only see these numbers growing. >> what one thing specifically has he done? >> i think being a consistent conservative. and one who has a very disciplined message. people, they trust him. they don't see him doing something that would be out of character. so, therefore, i think people the more they see him, the more they like him. the key thing about those polls, brooke, is he's either one or two with 51% of the voters. and in a caucus, that is a great place to be. >> thinking ahead to tonight, and he's standing for the first time next to the front-runner, next to mr. trump himself, the big question as we've been talking about this bromance of weeks and months past, does cruz