always able to do it. that's the key. that should -- that should diminish any question of fear in the world, so between now and 3:00 if we can get our systems back up and running, disseminate information, you know. we go into resume mode. we're not going to do a pre-opening reopen which is how we open every day. we're just going to hit the floor running which means that stocks have been trading around us all day long. we're going to hop right on in there, and then we're going to have our closing bell. >> how is this floor going to look once trading does resume if it does resume this afternoon? >> there will be some scurry. people will be trying to -- you know we're trying to resume our relationships with our customers that over the last few hours they have obviously been busy doing other things so we'll convey information what the close looks like. you know there will be -- i don't think there's panic but there will be excitement and a little scurry. we'll just try to, you know catch up. there will be a little catchup. >> this happened on an interesting day. looking at the dow right now,