even injured driving this morning, correct? >> reporter: correct, yeah. that's what firefighters say is miraculous out of this whohorrific tragedy. although it was witnessed by literally hundreds of people because it was the tail end of rush hour. this is one of the most heavily traveled highways in the atlanta metro area. a horrific scene they witnessed, but thank goodness nobody else on the ground was injured, despite the fact a number of vehicles were damaged by flying pieces of aircraft. they've already opened up the westbound lane of i-285, which is welcome news. it's friday which means the afternoon rush is probably already under way. it starts right after lunch in atlanta. so this is having a tremendous impact. again, the greatest impact is the tragedy to the families of the victims who were on board. all we know right now is that there were three males and one female as well as a family pet. they're in the process of notifying families at this time. the bodies were removed some time ago. you can see they're collecting parts of the aircraft. they're going to be key,