in this case, the drivers also have a throttle cut-off switch -- >> the instructor. i remember when i'm learning to drive at 15. the instructor had that brake he could hit, heaven forbid i was doing something i shouldn't have been doing. in this case there's a throttle maybe something manually he can hit to dial back the gas. >> if the student driver or the person driving isn't following instructions carefully enough to sort of dial things back a little bit. we don't know what happened in this case. was there a mechanical problem? did the person hit the gas too hard coming out of a turn maybe? get the car upset and didn't correct properly? we really don't know what happened. >> it was a simple track, you're saying. >> it was a fairly simple track. we don't know what happened in this case. >> peter, thank you very much. next teachers turned cheaters. sentencing happening right now for this group of educators convicted in a widespread cheating scandal to inflate student test scores. hear them in court as they're

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Case ,Something ,Instructor ,Drivers ,Throttle ,Brake ,Switch ,Heaven ,15 ,Problem ,Things ,Person ,Gas ,Instructions ,Student Driver ,Person Driving Isn T ,Bit ,Doing ,Track ,Car ,Turn ,Didn T ,Peter ,Court ,Sentencing ,Educators ,Teachers ,Scandal ,Cheating ,Group ,Student Test Scores ,Cheaters ,

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