it was moving pretty quickly. >> december 22nd i think. >> exactly. and that's something that the group says that said the u.s. government as we know has tremendous resources at its disposal to track these kinds of things particularly when you're talking about the nsa, which was involved in tracing this back. we know the nsa's capability. you don't want to underestimate the why they have that confidence. and the administration saying that they haven't changed their minds. >> and yet north korea continues to deny. thank you. >> thank you. just ahead, new york police turning their backs at the mayor at the fallen officers' funeral. now they're being called disgraceful. plus we're hearing from a couple who lost four relatives on that air asia flight 8501. a daughter, son-in-law and two granddaughters. the couple's heartbreaking reaction coming up. we're back in 90 seconds.