they were against it, and the judge allowed it, and that perhaps could have been what was the tipping point because for two days really, yesterday and today, we had not heard anything from the jurors. they ordered lunch around 11:00 or so. they ordered sandwiches. we were told by the court sandwiches were being delivered and within about an hour or so after that we started to get a sense that something was going on and then obviously we got word that there was a verdict, but the attorneys were sort of -- they were kind of on edge, but they were confident because they thought that their self-defense claims and that the case that they put on was very good, and they thought that they were going to be, you know, in the end, they thought they were going to certainly win this case. if not they would certainly start arguing the mistrial motions and then direct the judge to overturn the convictions. i can tell you from this morning hand my last conversations with them, they were pretty optimistic that things were going to go their way, and so it has. this was a grueling few days for them, for the rittenhouse family and really for the people who