fundamental point, ana, you're absolutely right, and even if you then -- let's say you're a vaccinated person and you go into a setting, unless you know for certain that other people are vaccinated, you may not know who's vaccinated and who's not, that's going to make it challenging. there's no requirements right now challenging. there's no requirements rights now to show vaccination status in a lot of places, certainly not outdoors, so do you know who around you is vaccinated or not? i think that's going to be a question that may come up. hopefully the cdc is thinking about that and will address it. >> okay, sanjay, thank you. we'll talk to you soon. >> quick break. we'll be right back. sfloechl it's so simple you can order on a walk, at the beach, even over breakfast. and with fast, free delivery there's more time for the good stuff. shop america's #1 pet pharmacy. visit today.