interview hoping to set damage control, distance himself from his relationship with jeffrey epstein. unfortunately in the interview showed pure arrogance, entitlement. didn't mention the victims or show remorse hence the dramatic fallout we've seen. on monday we'll hear from virginia roberts directly. i will say about virginia roberts she maintained her story for years. it is the same story every time she's repeatedly said that he knows what happened. he needs to come forward. he needs to tell the truth. so if it does lead to transpire that he was, in fact, lying in his interview, things will get a whole lot worse. >> the primary jobs for these royals is to go out and go into public settings and do openings and ribbon cuttings, that kind of thing and patrons of various charities and maintain big, fancy titles in the military. prince andrew stepped back. in this statement he made it sound like it was temporary. is there a chance it becomes