investigations continue in new york over hush money payments paid to cover up allegations that trump had an extramarital affair. eric holder says it's that investigation that could follow the president even after he leaves office. >> if there is no impeachment, do you believe that he is subject to prosecution after he leaves office? >> i don't think there's any question about that. we have an indictment in the southern district of new york where michael -- >> to the payout. >> the payoffs. michael cohen's in jail with regard to his role in the individual one is the president and it would seem to me that the next attorney general, the next president is going to have to make a determination. >> i think there's a potential cost nation by putting on trial a former president and that ought to at least be a part of the calculus that goes into the determination that has to be made by the next attorney general. >> that bringsto us to a weekly segment, class exam.