of them. today the uk came out with a list of 100. i need to go through that to give you a better sense of how strong it is. one things that the u.s. put out the other day, not the single one in a list anywhere near the top 25, 35, 45 wealthiest russians. this list will matter. that's the great unknown. a few things to think about. they have real meat and bones. they matter. it's a long-term not a short term proposition. there's a lot of unknown. a lot will come down to who the individuals are, and are they really going to block them from access to the things they care about the most? the art galleries, yachts, women, and the glitz of the western world. that's what they want. if isn't blocked, then they will not be effective. >> erin burnett, stay safe. we'll go to matthew chance. in kyiv, the capital of ukraine. matthew, i guess one of the questions i have for you is, it does seem as though given the russian troops you saw not far