beachhead teams, that nomenclature that they used when president trump wins in 2024, or before. >> roughly, the filed lawsuits gives an idea of the extent of the pushback the committee is getting. but i talked to a committee spokesperson who said they're trying to have that on democracy. alisyn, they feel confident they'll be able to do their work and put this report out. >> sara murray, thank you for that. well still ahead, it's been a whirlwind year for the media. we're going to take a look at the top media stories from 2021. also, we have a quick programming note for you, this sunday, carole king and james taylor are together for an unforgettable concert film "just call out my name" airs sunday at 9:00 p.m. on cnn. and here's a preview. >> friends, collaborators, legends. their music shaped a generation.

Related Keywords

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