at least what we know now. that stood out to me that this is just a -- an odd situation in terms of -- >> juliette, sorry to interrupt and shimon, stand by. the arraignment of this suspect is beginning. >> if you could state your full name and spell it for our court reporter. >> lieutenant tim willis. willis, county sheriff's office. >> please race your right hand. do you swear or affirm the information you're about to provide the court will be truthful, accurate and to the best of your ability? >> i, do your honor. >> and what information do you have that would lead the court to believe that a warrant should be issued against ethan robert crumbley. >> on tuesday, november 30th, at -- >> it's up to you whatever you feel most comfortable with. >> on november -- tuesday, november 30th at 12:52 p.m., sheriff's office deputies were dispatched to oxford high school located at 745 north oxford,