country. and i would be less in favor of that than i would a program, you know, a passage that's $2.7 trillion, but has all of our priorities structured in the way that we want. that's the reason that it doesn't make sense to look at the topline number. but you're very good. >> speaker pelosi has said her new deadline is october 31st. is that realistic? >> i think we're trying to work as fast as we can, but we're waiting on two people to tell us what they agree on and what they want. the build back better act is written, by the way. it's already written, gone through committees in the house and we have agreement from 96% of us and the president and the american people. so as soon as they tell us, we can start figuring out and negotiating the details of it. obviously, what they say may not be enough for us and that's going to be a negotiation. we have had 29 extensions, short-term extensions of the surface transportation