and loyalty of at least enough of the elites. >> i want you the listen to the u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken on how he sees the bigger picture here for russia and putin. >> 16 months ago, russian forces were on the doorstep of kyiv, ukraine, thinking they were going to take the city in a matter of days, erase the country from the map. now they had to be focused on defending moscow, russia's capital against mercenaries of putin's own making. so this raises lots of profound questions that will be answered i think in the days and weeks ahead. >> so this coup d'etat may have been a win for putin in some ways. overall works you say this war of choice in ukraine has been the biggest disaster of his presidency and just keeps getting worse, and u.s. intelligence putin will have if any military victories in ukraine. how does this play into presidential elections which are scheduled for next march?