donations came rolling in fast. tickets for this event sold out pretty much immediately. it is packed here, but not everyone is here for the music. >> i want to meet people with the same views as me. i want to meet with them and to feel that i'm not alone with this position. >> reporter: 28-year-old anatoli is not alone. many here left russia in recent days, escaping a crackdown on dissent, where thousands have been detained at protests, even calling putin's invasion what it is, a war, has been criminalized. >> when we are posting something on social media, at least we know that nobody's going to come for us. but back home, even now they have a new law if you post something, that you can be arrested. at least we can speak up from here. >> reporter: like many of those here tonight, masha and daria have no plan. they just bought plane tickets and left the country. >> we are not feeling safe