country which are amongst the lowest in europe. >> which is something to follow up on at the end of this, seemingly when it does end. i want you to also give us an update on something i know you've been following very closely. the australian border force was possibly debating the nok vick pcr results. did they reach out to the serbian government at this point? >> reporter: so the prime minister's office said they believe they did reach out to the serbian health institute to try to get some clarity. the government is also trying to clear up questions about that pcr test to us as well. remember, there were questions about the i.d. number on that december 16th positive pcr test. it seemed to correlate better with tests taken ten days later on december 26th. they say that could be explained by the fact it was done at a different lab. remember, also, the qr code on those tests showed both positive and negative results for a brief