the protest action i think is going toe intensify over the course of the week ahead. but these are all people who had gone to a great deal of effort to come here and maintain pressure on world leaders so that the most significant progress is possible over the course of the next two weeks, isa. >> phil black in edinborough, scotland. phil, good to see you. ahead on the show i'll talk to a climate expert about the pledges being made at the cop-26 summit, particularly what phil was talking about, the deforestation. we'll go live to glasgow in 20 minutes or so for that. back in washington, the center piece for biden's agenda may get a green light after being stalled in congress for months. democratic leaders have been trying to pass a $$1 trillion bill in the house. they are holding it up on the finalized social safety net plan. while progression inland valleys in the democrat house say they're ready to move forward,