but, you know, what many people here are saying is that, essentially, he's rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. that the moment for consulting with village elders is far behind us, now. and it became -- becomes rapidly unclear what ghani's political future will be. >> the most dire military predictions had been that kabul would be surrounded and fall between, you know, 30 and 90 days. well, the enemy, as you say, is -- is basically at the gates, right now. um, you said that they -- they -- the u.s. was trying to get its personnel out, by tuesday. i mean, will they have that long? >> well, i mean, this is exactly what people, like the u.s. envoy -- special envoy who is in doha right now are trying to negotiate with the taliban. basically, let us get our people out over the next-72 hours.