reports of missing individuals trip rudy giuliani made to london. cnn's kate file is still ahead. in the vietnamese community but ] say they won't speculate on the mom you've got to get yourself a new car. victims' nationalities. one day after president trump tweeted that u.s. troops i wish i could save faster. would be leaving syria for other you're making good choices. you'll get there. places and then coming home, a ♪ convoy of u.s. trucks and armored military vehicles crossed back into syria from were you going to tell me about this? iraq today. defense secretary mark esper says u.s. forces will protect i know i can't afford to go. i still have this car so you can afford to go. syrian oil fields from isis. also today turkey rejected a i am so proud of you. german proposal for an thanks. principal. we can help you plan for that. internationally enforced safe start today at zone and turkey is setting yet another deadline, this time for kurdish-led fighters to pull back from syria's border with ♪ turkey. >> more than a dozen american armored vehicles were seeing crossing from iraq into syria. it is assumed to make good on the promise from washington, red lobster's endless shrimp is back d.c. from the trump for just fifteen ninety nine. administration that they would get all the shrimp you want, be heading to protect the oil any way you want 'em. like new sriracha-honey shrimp... fields in the south central part ...savory grilled teriyaki shrimp,... of syria from recapture by the ...classic shrimp scampi and more! so-called islamic state and from