other, and the situation really remaining tense. errol. >> and we're seeing some footage from the area on sunday. you were in the old city yesterday. just describe for us how tense the atmosphere is there. the fear now is that one small incident, one small clash could again become deadly. >> reporter: yeah. well, i was there in the old city yesterday. i would say it was eerily quiet. now, that area is normally bustling full of shoppers and shop keepers. yesterday with the restrictions in place preventing palestinians access to the old city, the shops were shuttered. there was a small number of tourists we saw, but there was also a very heavy security presence, and on the ground, evidence of clashes, pea pieces of glass, rubber bullets. as for the noble sanctuary known to jesus as the temple mount, we

Related Keywords

Us ,Area ,Jerusalems Old City ,Situation ,Atmosphere ,Tense ,Footage ,Fear ,Ferrol ,On Sunday ,One ,Reporter ,Incident ,Clash ,Shoppers ,Keepers ,Place ,Restrictions ,Number ,Access ,Extreme Action Banning Palestinians ,Security Presence ,Saw ,Tourists ,Shops ,Ground ,Clashes ,Rubber Bullets ,Evidence ,Pea Pieces ,Glass ,Temple Mount ,Noble Sanctuary ,Jesus ,

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