raise your hand now. raise your hand now if you won't make that pledge tonight. mr. trump. [ cheers and boos ] >> i cannot say i have to respect the person that if it's not me, the person that wins. if i do win and i'm leading by quite a bit, that's what i want to do. i can totally make that pledge if i'm the nominee. >> i mean, this is what's wrong. he buys and sells politicians of all stripes. he's already -- >> dr. paul. >> he's already hedging his bet on the clintons. okay? so if he doesn't run as a republican, maybe he supports clinton or maybe he runs as an independent. but i'd say he's already hedging his bets because he's used to buying politicians. >> and megyn. that's a completely ridiculous answer. i want to collect more records from terrorists but less records from other people. how are you supposed to know, megyn? >> use the fourth amendment. >> how are you supposed to -- >> use the fourth amendment. >> i'll tell you --