example, we know that they, that they are highly educated and informed. two in particular lawyers, two or engineers, many with master's degrees. so what does that tell you? do you think about how they're going to handle this case? >> well, from a prosecutor standpoint, you like well-educated savvy jurors because you feel they won't be daunted by emotional issues. they can fall it personally. i don't like engineers, lead jury feel they're a little bit to mechanically oriented. they want certainty. it's like having a mathematician bright and then jury. i'm lawyers are fine as long as they're not criminal defense flares are prosecutors because then their expertise may interfere a bit. would their objectivity and also cause other jurors to look too much to them. but generally the legal training is fine. generally higher education is very fine. they're meeting together for the first time. it's gonna be a very important moment related. they're getting eyes on each other. we're going to be living on this case for a while. i'll and i think the one area that's been underestimated by the court and prosecutors is the amount of pressure on these jurors. i