this on the floor we'll see if that occurs again it it speaks to just how low the republican congressional leadership has gone in terms of losing control of their own caucus.& if democrats do have to come to his, to his aide, i don't think it's going to be for free. i think it's gonna be for some kind of power-sharing or something that again, will benefit the country because democrats are always going to do what's in the best interests of america. i think it's important, hats off again to speaker johnson for showing true leadership in the face of potential ouster by the vocal minority in the house. i think this is an opportunity for americans to sit back and say, thank goodness, congress worked on a bipartisan fashion. we sent a strong message to russia to china, to iran, the proxies in any of these other nations that are want to put a threat to democracy. and i think everyone should call their member of congress that voted for this and tell them, thank you. >> we live a couple of moments left, but alice, does that mean that you think there's some fatigue that setting in, in the